奖 “2023亚洲卓越品牌” 是一项年度评选活动,旨在表彰为经济社会发展做出积极贡献的杰出品牌。 Shark Dental 很荣幸能够与越南 9 个最负盛名的单位一起出席颁奖典礼。这是对努力过程的认可,为品牌未来强势转型奠定坚实的垫脚石。
2023 年著名牙科牙科展


HTV9 电视台报道有关 SHARK DENTISTRY 的新闻 – 顶级美容牙科品牌地位

The many benefits for the customers of Shark Dental!

Why is the price at Shark Dental so low?

Guide to Authentic Porcelain Verification at Shark Dental

The many benefits for the customers of Shark Dental!

即将推出 Shark Dental – 平台切换技术

Titoker Duc Anh - 从优惠券到 Shark Dental 的忠实客户

Shark Dental 孜孜不倦地努力提供最高品质

3年历程——在Shark Dental创造超过100万个微笑!

16颗熔岩烤瓷牙组合,将梦想变为现实 |客户 Nguyen Ngoc Thao

为 Shark Dental 首尔学院学生举办的综合牙科护理课程

She can finally smile!

The best in the world!

Lava Porcelain Crowns – A premium dental restoration

Why restoration right after teeth lost is so important?

The best time for Dental Implants?

Shark Dental – Feeling like family

A beautiful smile for a beautiful lady

20 Porcelain teeth combo – back to your younger self

Dance confidently with a nice beautiful smile | Dimitar Drosev

From Gold Coast finding the best dental in Vietnam
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